2018 - The Year in Photos
Well, once again, I got a little sidetracked with my blog. So, rather than catch up, I am just gonna share some of my favorite images from 2018. I had a pretty good year shooting and managed to capture some great photos along the way. Looking back at the images, I always think about how I could have done better in situations. I am my worst critic and a perfectionist on top of that so, I always strive to be better than I was the day before. So many times, during the course of the year, I find myself getting in a rut and wondering why I keep doing what I do. But, then I take a really cool photo and that thrill and excitement comes rushing back. I have no clue how long I will do this, but as long as I am having fun, I don't see myself slowing down anytime soon.
So, without further delay, here are my favorite images from 2018: